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  • Remember that your child plays for his/her enjoyment, not for yours
  • To always encourage and not to yell at or ridicule their child for a missed play or lost game
  • Teach that doing one’s best is as important as winning so your child will never feel defeated over the outcome of a game
  • Show respect for the team’s opponent’s and game officials
  • Show respect to the volunteers who give their time to provide your child with a meaningful softball experience


Keeping a Zone as well as a team running smoothly requires the help of many hands.

The Zone 2 Executive is comprised of volunteer parents that strive to make both you and your child’s time playing softball a rewarding experience.

While we understand that volunteering may be a challenge for some families in regards to time, work and other responsibilities, it is an essential part of a youth sports organization and we ask that all parents contribute some way.

Melissa Willy is our Secretary/Volunteer Director and will lead any volunteer groups needed. This may include diamond duties during tournaments both either ran by the Raiders zone or SMSL. Diamond duties include making sure games are on time, Umpires are there, handing in score cards, making sure diamond boxes have what they need (score sheets, new balls, water for umpires) etc.

We are also extremely appreciative for anyone that volunteers to take on the role of coach, assistant coach, team manager and team treasurer – without them there would be no leadership for the teams. Please remember to provide them the proper respect due their position. Volunteers are the back bone of Zone 2 Raiders Softball.

If you are interested in being placed on a volunteer list please reach out to Melissa directly.