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PLEase note - you must register within your age category based on birth year.
there is no option to "play up"

Division A Athletes

  • this division has the highest level of competition and commitment
  • players on this team are expected to practice more often
  • players are encouraged to attend clinics and strive to excel in the position they are playing
  • division A starts at the U11 level (U13 & up follow the 9 person batting rule)
  • typically participate in at least 4 tournaments and in addition teams are expected to attend Provincials (early July) and go on to Westerns (early Aug.) if successful
  • Deadline to register for A divison is January 31st

Division B athletes

  • this is the developmental stage for players striving to move up and learn the skills of the game while still having a fun experience.
  • still has a strong sense of competitiveness at league games.
  • typically participate in 2-3 tournaments.
  • it is up to the individual teams if they wish to attend Provincials (early July)
    Deadline to register for B division is March 15th


  • U11  (Born in 2014 & 2015) — $350
  • U13  (Born in 2012 & 2013)— $425 
  • U15  (Born in 2010 & 2011)— $425
  • U17  (Born in 2008 & 2009)— $425 (this is now a city wide program, so you need to register with the Saskatoon Selects

    Please note to expect team fees once the season has commenced. These are decided by both coaches/managers per indivual team and may vary based on tournaments/fundraising. 

junior boys 

Please register through the Saskatoon Selects ​​​​​​​

Expectations of Players

  • punctuality
  • make a committed effort to attend all practices and games
  • respect for coaches, officials, their team mates and opposing teams
  • strive to improve and learn new skills
  • work hard for yourself, but also for your team. Softball is a team sport and it takes a group effort to succeed
  • and most important, have fun!


Junior League Players require the following ball equipment:

  • defensive facemask
  • glove
  • helmet (with cage)
  • ball cleats or running shoes

The official Raider Uniform is:

  • Raider Jersey – provided by the zone
  • black ball pants and belt
  • black socks

It is recommended that you also consider the following items:

  • bat
  • equipment bag
  • ball cleats
  • batting gloves

It is also suggested that each player have the following at each game and practice:

  • water bottle
  • sun screen
  • insect repellant
  • a jacket
  • sun glasses
  • hat or visor
  • miscellaneous first aid supplies (i.e. bandages, sports tape etc.)